Our Health Guarantee
To our knowledge and with confirmation from our veterinarian we believe this puppy is free of disease and defects at the date of the sale. Buyer has one week from the date of acquiring the puppy to have the puppy examined by their own vet. If the buyer's vet exam reveals a genetic defect with the puppy the buyer may return the puppy for a refund. UNDER NO OTHER CONDITION WITH THE MONEY BE REFUNDED. Any shipping expense during a return will be at the cost of the buyer. Seller will not be held responsible for any accidents.
Puppies change as they grow and frequently go through an "awkward teenage phase". Please know that we can not guarantee an animal's future color or weight beyond a reasonable guess based upon the appearances and size of their parents.
No veterinary bills will be paid for by the seller. We do absolutely everything within our power to protect our animals while they are in our care, but there is no guarantee against illness contacted outside the seller's care. The puppy has had initial vaccinations and has been dewormed but will require additional treatments to remain healthy and protected. Luxating Patella, Hernia, Kennel Cough, Coccidia, and worms, and Skin issues are common problems and can be treated. Seller can not be held liable for such issues. Hypoglycemia is a serious health issue that can occur if the puppy becomes exhausted or goes too long without food. Please contact your veterinarian immediately if your puppy is lethargic, not eating properly or in the puppy has runny stools for more than 12 hours.
The new owner agrees to notify us in the event that they, for any reason, can no longer care for the puppy. At this time the puppy must be returned to the seller with NO REFUND of the initial cost. We ask for this agreement in an effort to make sure that none of our beautiful animals are re-sold or given to a pet store, puppy mill, dog pound or puppy broker.
The buyer agrees that this is a pet only purchase and therefore promises not to breed the dog at any time. We recommend that the puppy gets neutered/spayed before they are nine months old.
Thank you!